The actions of the association are now carried by a multitude of actors (including members of the association), in order to make biomimicry ever more operational. We therefore decided to cease our activities and to re-orient our efforts progressively on various projects, such as the Trees program.
Since the start of the Biomimicry Europa association, the biomimicry landscape in France and in Europe has developed well (notably through the creation of the dedicated Ceebios center). We are delighted and very proud to have been one of the stones brought to this building.
However for the sake of history, we wanted to keep this site online, in order to conserve resources.
The association
Biomimicry Europa is an association which promotes biomimicry in Europe and particularly in France, through various actions.
Innovate by drawing inspiration from the living, to design goods, services and human organizations compatible with the biosphere.
Trees project
Our reforestation program inspired by natural ecosystems. An experiment in the field of the biomimetic approach.